
Loving myself.

Some days we just don't take care of ourselves enough. We don't get enough sleep, we eat things we shouldn't, we stress over things beyond our control. Its never easy, but sometimes we need to learn to practice more 'self love'. That was part of my resolution to myself this year, take better care of myself -in and out-.I suffer from Post Partum Anxiety, even three years later. It has definitely gotten a lot better, but sometimes I still struggle, so I think practicing more of this will help heal from the inside!  I started with switching out my skincare to a line that doesn't have a bunch of garbage chemicals in them. Those chemicals can cause disruptions in your body, imbalances and sickness. I've already noticed quite a difference in my hormonal breakouts just by making this change. Next, I decided I was going to start doing Keto. *Brief note, I quit and restarted three times, and in the middle joined Weight Watchers for a brief two weeks. (not for me). Its hard, its so hard- but aren't we worth it? I'm at the point now where I don't really 'love' myself, and that is not a place I want to be. So, Sunday I decided it was time to start Keto again, and I made my husband and my sister hold me accountable, and help keep me from quitting, again. I guess that's another reason blogging came back to mind recently, another way to be held accountable. I'm not really sure how many people will actually read this, but I know its out there for anyone and everyone that wants to see it. That makes me feel pretty vulnerable.
I did some Pinterest searching a while ago for ways to practice more 'self love' and I found some pretty neat ideas. Some I've done already, and some I haven't, but I thought Id share some!
  • Remove toxic people from your social media accounts
  • Spend some time every day alone, doing something you enjoy
  • Do something to pamper yourself
  • Eat more real foods and cut out processed 
  • Wake up earlier, so you aren't as rushed in the mornings
  • Go enjoy the sunshine
  • Turn the music up, and dance
  • Take a drive to nowhere
  • Listen to an old mixed CD and reminisce on those times
  • Buy yourself some fresh flowers
These things aren't hard to do, and yet sometimes we still cant find the time to do them. I encourage you, if you are suffering similar to the way I am, to take the time to do these small but meaningful things for yourself! 

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